Affiliates - Graduate Writing Center

Nested Applications

Our Affiliates

Dudley Knox Library (DKL)

The Dudley Knox Library contributes to learning, research, and teaching—anytime, anywhere—through relevant and evolving collections, tools, services, and spaces designed for NPS patrons of today and tomorrow.

Thesis Processing Office (TPO)

Thesis Processing reviews and publishes all NPS theses, dissertations, capstone reports, MBA reports, and joint applied projects. TPO helps students meet the NPS formatting, citation, and compliance requirements and ensures that their work is publication ready.

Teaching and Learning Commons (TLC)

The TLC created cross-organizational teams as communities of practice to enhance the quality of NPS education through collaboration that created and supported innovative and distinctive learning experiences.

Technology Assistance Center (TAC)

The TAC supports the day-to-day operations of NPS by providing software, hardware troubleshooting, cybersecurity, educational management tools, remote access, file sharing and website platforms, audio-visual support, and email.