Conference Presentations - Graduate Writing Center
Nested Applications
Conference Publications
Conference Presentations
If your paper is accepted for presentation at a conference, you reap multiple benefits: the opportunity to present your work; interaction with colleagues and experts in your field; and subsequent publication in the "conference journal." Contacts made through your participation at academic conferences can be invaluable, both academically and professionally.
As with any academic publishing, it is crucial to research the details of the conference you wish to attend and at which you would like to present your work. Attention to these details will greatly increase your odds of being invited to present at the conference of your choice:
- The topic "categories" presented by the conference: a conference's "call for papers" often lists topics under which your paper may be submitted.
- The required format for your paper or research: conferences often provide templates for your paper or, at the very least, detailed formatting instructions, as well as the required process for submission.
- Submission deadlines: carefully check all submission deadlines; they may be separated into those for proposals/abstracts and those for complete papers.